Visualizing and studying (numerically or experimentally) pore-scale flow dynamics inside a porous media can be a fastidious and costly task especially when it came to realistic natural system. Micromodel in the other hand has been widely used to study pore-scale flow dynamics, yet with a lack of realistic representation of geologic object. Designing microchips mimicking rock structure can provide a valuable tool to visualize fluid flow in realistic geologic object.
This plugin provides on-demand generation of realistic porous rock structure with adjustable porosity. Rock texture simulation is based on aggregation model from [G. Ferri et al., 2021] . This plugin uses unitary rock grains database, provided with sample DB of 50 images. Simulations are limited to 1000x1000 and 1000 grains. Realistic 2D system up with high to low porosity is reachable by our approach. Different grain shape and size can be chosen from a predefined library that can be enriched or user defined.

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